RESCONI marks Green Ghana Day 2024 with pupils at Anwiafutu D/A Basic School and Ampenkro D/A Basic School

In an inspiring effort to combat climate change and promote environmental stewardship, Anwiafutu D/A Basic School and Ampenkro D/A Basic School recently hosted a successful tree planting exercise, undertaken by the Resource Conservation Initiative (RESCONI).

The initiative aimed to educate students about the importance of trees in reducing carbon emissions and fostering a greener, healthier environment. Students from both schools eagerly participated, learning the fundamentals of planting and caring for trees.

The Field Liaison of RESCONI, Miss Winifred Nimo Boateng informed the students that RESCONI has established Environmental Clubs in ten (10) communities within the District. He reiterated that these clubs will serve as the medium through which the capacity of the youth will be developed to enable them fully appreciate the issues and challenges of the environment within their communities such that they can equally contribute their quota in finding lasting solutions.

Guided by enthusiastic teachers and RESCONI environmental experts, the young learners planted a variety of saplings around their school premises. consisting of Emire (Terminalia ivorensis), Ofra (Terminalia superba), Mansonia (Mansonia altissima) and Mahogany (Khaya Senegalensis).This hands-on experience not only instilled a sense of responsibility but also sparked a genuine interest in environmental conservation.

The tree planting exercise highlighted the crucial role trees play in absorbing carbon dioxide, providing oxygen, and enhancing biodiversity. By involving students in such activities, the schools hope to cultivate a generation of environmentally conscious individuals who are committed to protecting our planet. As the saplings grow, they will stand as a testament to the power of education and community action in making a positive impact on the environment. This event marks the beginning of a long-term commitment to sustainability, encouraging students to continue their efforts in greening their surroundings. Together, with the support of RESCONI, Anwiafutu D/A Basic School and Ampenkro D/A Basic School are planting the seeds for a brighter, greener future.